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What other AUTHORS are saying:

"The message of this small unassuming book will spread person to person until it becomes a mighty force that will change us all."

-- Laura Davis
author of the I Thought We'd Never Speak Again and the best-selling The Courage to Heal

"I love this book. I couldn't put it down. The people are alive, the voice is real. Kindness -- what if we were to live from that place? Nothing would be the same."

-- Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.
author of the best-selling Potatoes Not Prozac

"Margot's stories, insights, and advice on kindness will improve all your interactions -- business, community, and family as well as your quality of life. If everyone read and practiced what this book recommends, the world would be a better place."

-- Robert J. Kriegel
author of How to Succeed in Business, Without Working So Damn Hard!
and Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers

"What if the legacy of 9/11 could be not war but the Kindness Revolution? Margot believes it's within our power to make it so. After reading her book, I agree."

-- Barbara Waugh, Ph.D.
author of The Soul in the Computer: The Story of a Corporate Revolutionary


"I've intuited for a long time that everything -- and everyone -- is connected to everything else. In A Short Course in Kindness, Margot Silk Forrest has illumined this universal law in a way that empowers us to have the courage to do the right thing -- and to know why it is right."

-- Peter Reinhart
author of the best-selling cookbooks The Baker's Apprentice and Crust and Crumb, and Bread Upon the Waters: A Pilgrimage Toward Self-Discovery and Spiritual Truth

"Margot's sketches of our shared humanity are a wonderful reminder of what life's all about. Read these stories. The characters are unforgettable. They inspired me to be a little kinder right away."

-- Ellen Bass
poet and author of Mules of Love

"Buy this book. It will make you laugh. It will make you cry. It will make you remember. The heart is indeed a muscle that feels a lot better when stretched."

-- Susan Borkin
author of When Your Heart Speaks, Take Good Notes

"I just finished reading and reviewing your book. I loved it."

-- Karen Blue
writer and book reviewer,

"I just finished reading your beautiful little book...You told what could have been an airy-fairy thing in down-to-earth and straightforward terms. You put it across really beautifully."

-- Anne Peterson
grandmother and fiction writer

"My son, who is also my business manager, does not read. But I gave him your book anyway. He LOVES it and is recommending it to everyone!"

-- Kathleen DesMaisons

What BOOKSELLERS are saying:

" The more people who learn about kindness the better. Can I thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a beautiful publication!"

-- Northlight Books, California

"What everyone needs . . . A Short Course in Kindness."

 -- Just Thinking...Bookstore, Minnesota

"This is just the kind of book that our customers would like very much."

-- Bear River Books, Wyoming

"This is a beautiful book with such an important message. We want it for our customers and would love the author to come and give a talk and a workshop on kindness, as well."

 -- East West Bookshop, California

"Our staff has read it and we all love it and want to display it for our customers as soon as possible. What a wonderful book for us all."

-- Hicklebee's Children's Books, California

"This is a good one for our Young Adult and Parenting sections. Thanks!"

-- Children's Bookshop, Wisconsin

What READERS are saying:

"I read A Short Course in Kindness on a plane trip cross-country. What an eye-opener! I think everyone needs to be reminded of the truths you present. The part that really hit me was the chapter on the importance of being kind to yourself. That is something I've never really done, but I am going to make it a priority from now on."

-- Paul Capps
financial planner

"I loved A Short Course in Kindness. Since reading it, I have found myself stopping, thinking, and choosing the kindness path in situations rather than just automatically reacting. And it feels so good."

-- Erin Perry

"This inspiring and eloquent little book recruits us all to join the Kindness Revolution: "Leaders wanted for heartful and soul-satisfying organization.  No previous experience required Great benefits, guaranteed job security.  Apply within."

-- Rayona Sharpnack
founder and president of The Institute for Women's Leadership

"It's a joy to share this book with people."

-- Dawn Garcia
bodywork therapist

"This is such an original, fresh, and truly meaningful discussion of kindness... a very fine book on the only subject that really matters."

-- Joanna Robinson

"Your book has carved out a niche that buyers have not seen before."

-- Jason Maynard
Marketing Manager, Independent Publishers Group


"This is a very loving, very powerful book. A real wakeup call!"

-- Ellen Reid
CEO, Smarketing, Inc.

"The sweetness and gentleness of your spirit just jumps off the page. I often re-read a couple of pages before bed whenever I need a dose of 'Margot.'"

-- Nancy Marie

"I love the feel of the book, and the design is so peaceful and comforting. This is going to be my gift to family, clients, and patients."

-- Patricia Naegeli
spiritual and bereavement counselor

 "What a lovely little BIG book! It is just the size to hold in your hand next to your heart! The color is that which a baby sees from inside the womb when her mother stands naked in the sunshine. Thank you for creating illuminated paths for us to find and travel on."

-- Christina Wallach

"This book is wonderful. It fills a real void."

-- Lee Armstrong
bodyworker and poet

"Thank you SO much for writing this book. It's what so many others are thinking but struggling for words to express. You are truly speaking what needs to be heard."

-- Nancy Weidner
children's librarian

"I love this book. When I read parts of it over again, I feel better about everything in my life. I am getting copies for my friends."

-- Mandy Conte
high school student



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